Online Yoga – Practice In The Comfort Of Your Home
Published 2 May 2020

Why Choose Online Yoga?

Online yoga classes seem to have flourished lately, especially so during the time of the latest COVID pandemic. Yet another item added to the online activities list: online shopping, online learning, online dating… And habitually for some of us, as with ever new idea, the mind’s first reaction is to reject it or doubt it. Even more so if it is something so unusual compared to what we are used to. Instead a face to face experience, where we can sense the energy around us and share the same physical space, we now need to accept the idea of practicing miles away from each other, looking into a glass screen.

Yoga teacher Yoga with Evelina

Being the traditionalist that I am, I was the first to reject this idea. Never did I imagine that the collective energy can be felt even when people are continents apart. But thanks God for the pandemic! In many ways it challenged us and asked us to reconsider our thinking and routines. Change was on the horizon and required that we relinquish resistance and embrace the new evolving world.

So I tried online yoga! Both as a teacher and as a student. I fought with the restrictions created by my mind, I tested my flexibility and challenged myself into exploring this novelty. I had to do so, because I was physically so far from my students. Having taken the huge leap of leaving the UK, and making my first steps of building a life in Thailand, I had to find a way of doing what I loved the most – teaching yoga.

So 6,000 miles away, from my little balcony, surrounded by tropical vegetation, I taught my first private online yoga lesson.

Were there challenges? Yes – technology issues, internet instability, delay of sound. Both me and my student, were faced with something so different to our usual face to face encounters… But in the end the session was really satisfying for both of us! Even though so far apart, we could still do what we loved most – me teaching and her, doing her favourite practice with the teacher she knew so well. From the comfort of our houses. Less the travel hassle. Saving time. Just a few easy steps to start – roll out the mat, switch on the screen and settle down for an hour of practice.

I am now a firm believer that online classes will be a big part of our future. Maybe not entirely replacing the in person experience, online yoga still creates this powerful energy we feel when in the same physical space. As we know – energy doesn’t get lost, it just transforms as it travels through space and time.

Whether private or group, online yoga classes are a fantastic option for the times when we can’t make it to the studio: when our favourite teacher is away, or the weather is bad, deadlines are looming, there is no one to stay with the kids or you are not in the mood to face the world but you need your practice! Just roll out the mat and switch on your device.  An added benefit is that you can take your device to any room, to the garden, to the beach or the mountain. Flexibility in true yogic terms!

Additionally, for people who find group classes daunting, private online yoga is a great alternative to in person sessions when your teacher is far.

In conclusion, my favourite aspect of online yoga is that it breaks location boundaries! When you travel or you are on holiday, when you are re-locating or you are in a place where there are no yoga studios – you can still practice in real time with your teacher. Connections happening over thousands of miles and various time zones. Isn’t this wonderful?







Group Or Private Online Yoga – Give It A Try!


Simply find yourself a quiet place, a free hour in your day and you are all set. 


And so that we can properly meet please introduce yourself and send the following information using the below form:

 Have you done any yoga before. If so what style and for how long?

  • Have you got any injuries or medical conditions that might affect your practice?
  • What would you like to gain from the practice of Yoga?













I am looking forward to meeting you!

Opening Hours

Mon-Fri: 7:30 AM - 7 PM
Sat & Sun: 10 AM - 3 PM


Mill Hill, London
United Kingdom