Online Workshops

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Yoga Workshops

Collaborations & Special Events 

Intestinal Yogic Cleanse

Sun 30 Mar 2025 10am – 12pm on Zoom

Join me at the end of March for your yearly intenstinal spring cleanse! The yogis believed that the practice of yoga should start with a full body  cleanse. On the inside as well as the outside. 

The practice is called Shankha Prakshalana which translates along the lines of washing completely your ‘conch’, i.e. the stomach and intestines. 

Springtime is the best season to give your body a spring clean and this antient method uses only clean water, salt and a series of easy postures to help stimulate your peristaltic and cleanse the gut from old toxic accumulations and impurities.

This Kriya (cleansing practice) has immense healing powers as it purifies the body and acts like a full body reset. It will give your system a fresh new start, increase your vitality and possibly alleviate conditions such as allergies, skin problems, digestive disorders, insomnia and more.

This two hour workshop should be accessible for all ages and levels of fitness, it is safe and effortless and leaves you feeling light and cleansed! It involves the intake of saline water followed by series of easy postures. The cycle repeats until the entire digestive tract is fully cleansed.

Full guidance during the practice will be provided as well as derailed pre-workshop and post-workshop instructions.

As per Yoga & Ayurveda, if your intestine is upset, your life will be upset because of the secrets of the physical health that reside in the large intestine. One of the main causes of various diseases and senility is the accumulation of toxins in the body by autointoxication. Old age is a consequence of the slow and progressive intoxication of the body due to insufficient evacuation of waste to the outside.


      Join in on your own. 


      In stock


      The practice purifies the blood, detoxifies the body, boosts the immune system and helps to develop good digestion. It alleviates allergies (e.g. hay fever) and skin diseases (e.g. acne, neurodermatitis or psoriasis). Further, it is helpful for springtime lethargy and has a balancing effect on the mind.

      • Total evacuation of the encrusted sediments in the mucous membrane of the large intestine including parasites
      • After a few days – freshness of breath, better sleep, disappearance of rashes and skin breakouts
      • Disappearance of bad bodily odours
      • Strengthening of the immune system
      • Clears the skin
      • Purifies the blood and relieves arthritis
      • Balances body weight
      • Secretion of insulin is promoted
      • Good for allergies, fatigue, acidity and gas
      • Recharges the entire body
      • Removes blockages from the nadis (energy channels)
      • Purifies the Chakras

      In addition to cleaning the colon the method completely removes sediment from the entire digestive tract, from the stomach to the anus, which other washing techniques cannot do, such as the well-known colon hydrotherapy.


      Invite other members of your family for just £10. 


      In stock


      • Pregnancy
      • High blood pressure
      • Recent surgery
      • Severe stomach ulcer
      • Acute illness or fever
      • Dysentery
      • Diarrhoea
      • Acute colitis
      • Acute appendicitis


      • Eat easily digestible foods and avoid protein-rich foods 1-2 days before the cleanse. Best is to eat grain porridges, boiled and steamed vegetables.
      • Practice is to be done in the morning on an empty stomach
      • Prepare 3 – 4 litres of saline solution – two teaspoons of salt to a litre of lukewarm water
      • A freely available toilet is required for the duration of the practice + 1 hour
      • A specially prepared meal of Kichadi is to be consumed 45 mins after the practice. See recipe below.

        Kichadi Recipe


        • 1/2 cup mung dahl
        • 1 cup rice
        • Cow’s ghee butter (clarified butter)
        • 1/2 teaspoon Turmeric powder
        • 1/2 teaspoon Cumin seeds 


        • Soak the mung dahl and rice for 2 hours.
        • Wash/rinse ingredients well after soaking.
        • Boil in 6 cups of water adding the turmeric and cumin seeds over a low flame for  30 mins-1hour. When it begins to boil, turn the mixture down to simmer and turn off flame when mixture is soft and little liquid remains. No salt is to be added!
        • Serve each serving with 1 teaspoon of melted ghee butter.

          THE METHOD

          The Yogis of the ancient times gifted us with this great method of cleansing toxins from the body called Shankha Prakshalana. Shankh means conch that resembles the coiled shape of the bowels, and Prakshalana means cleaning.

          For the cleansing, 2-3.5 litres of lukewarm saline water is used. The intake of large amounts of warm saline water (of the same pH as the blood), followed by simple yogic postures, forces the fermentations and sediments from the intestinal walls to be washed out through the rectum.

          The sequence of intake of water and performance of the specific yogic asana is repeated until clear water is released from the bowels.



          The following steps are to be followed closely by the participants to complete the practice safely.

          – After full evacuation, clean water should be coming out of the colon, please rest in bed lying on your back for 45 mins. Try to maintain silence. During this time the digestive tract is in a mode of recovery and will be recharging itself.
          Then eat a specially prepared meal (Kichadi) containing rice, mung dahl and ghee. The food is to be taken straight after the rest, filling up your stomach sufficiently – this will help to line up and lift up the intestinal walls.

          – First intake of water can happen 30 mins after food is consumed

          – Rest for another three hours however avoid sleeping as this can cause a cold, headache or lethargy.

          – Second meal is to be taken 3-6 hours after the first. You can either consume more kichadi or eat a simple meal avoiding any dairy products, raw fruit and veg; avoid acid foods and drinks on that day.

          – No physical exercise including Yoga is to be practiced for the next 24 hours, only mild activities on that day. Take plenty of rest!

          – It is totally forbidden to drink coffee, black tea and alcohol during the 24 hours after the intestinal healing

          – For 1 to 4 weeks after the practice avoid any chemically prepared, spicy, or non-veg food. Restrict the intake of pickle, dairy products, sweets, or acidic fruits. Avoid smoking, alcohol, or any drugs for a month.

          The technique is to be performed 1 to 2 times a year. Best seasons are spring and autumn.

          Intestinal Yogic Cleanse

          Individual Online Workshop

          Join me in a private video call to experience the healing power of the ancient Yogic cleansing technique Shankha Prakshalana. This Kriya (cleansing practice) will give your system a fresh new start by clearing the old toxic accumulations from the body…

          Full guidance during the practice will be provided as well as detailed pre-workshop and post-workshop instructions.

          This two hour workshop should be accessible to all ages and levels of fitness, it is safe and effortless and leaves you feeling light and cleansed! It involves the intake of saline water followed by series of easy postures. The cycle repeats until the entire digestive tract is fully cleansed.

          As per Yoga & Ayurveda, if your intestine is upset, your life will be upset because of the secrets of the physical health that reside in the large intestine. One of the main causes of various diseases and senility is the accumulation of toxins in the body by autointoxication. Old age is a consequence of the slow and progressive intoxication of the body due to insufficient evacuation of waste to the outside.

          This intoxication can be extremely dangerous due to the poisons infiltrated through the walls of the intestine spreading through the entire system.

          Diseases deriving directly from auto-intoxication:

          • Ulcers
          • Digestive disorders – constipation, IBS, diarrhoea
          • Diabetis
          • Cancer
          • Bad breath
          • Kidney stones
          • Insomnia
          • Depression
          • Irritability
          • Hysteria
          • Sciatica
          • Varicose veins
          • Liver intoxications
          • Chronic or acute appendicitis
          • Anaemia
          • Allergies
          • Skin eruptions of different nature
          • Painful periods

          In addition to cleaning the colon the method completely removes sediment from the entire digestive tract, from the stomach to the anus, which other washing techniques cannot do, such as the well-known colon hydrotherapy.


            The practice purifies the blood, detoxifies the body, boosts the immune system and helps to develop good digestion. It alleviates allergies (e.g. hay fever) and skin diseases (e.g. acne, neurodermatitis or psoriasis). Further, it is helpful for springtime lethargy and has a balancing effect on the mind.

            • Total evacuation of the encrusted sediments in the mucous membrane of the large intestine including parasites
            • After a few days – freshness of breath, better sleep, disappearance of rashes and skin breakouts
            • Disappearance of bad bodily odours
            • Strengthening of the immune system
            • Clears the skin
            • Purifies the blood and relieves arthritis
            • Balances body weight
            • Secretion of insulin is promoted
            • Good for allergies, fatigue, acidity and gas
            • Recharges the entire body
            • Removes blockages from the nadis (energy channels)
            • Purifies the Chakras



            In stock


            • Pregnancy
            • High blood pressure
            • Recent surgery
            • Severe stomach ulcer
            • Acute illness or fever
            • Dysentery
            • Diarrhoea
            • Acute colitis
            • Acute appendicitis

            Prerequisites for the practice:

            • Eat easily digestible foods and avoid protein-rich foods 1-2 days before the cleanse. Best is to eat grain porridges, boiled and steamed vegetables.
            • Practice is to be done in the morning on an empty stomach
            • Prepare 3 – 4 litres of saline solution – two teaspoons of salt to a litre of lukewarm water
            • A freely available toilet is required for the duration of the practice + 1 hour
            • A specially prepared meal of Kichadi is to be consumed 45 mins after the practice. See recipe below.


              In stock

              The Method

              The Yogis of the ancient times gifted us with this great method of cleansing toxins from the body called Shankha Prakshalana. Shankh means conch that resembles the coiled shape of the bowels, and Prakshalana means cleaning.

              The process is easy and simple and doesn’t require any efforts. It is accessible and recommended to everyone.

              For the cleansing, 2-3.5 litlers of lukewarm saline water is used. The intake of large amounts of warm saline water (of the same pH as the blood), followed by simple yogic postures, forces the fermentations and sediments from the intestinal walls to be washed out through the rectum.

              The sequence of intake of water and performance of the specific yogic asana is repeated until clear water is released from the bowels.


              After the practice:

              The following steps are to be followed closely by the participants to complete the practice safely.

              • Rest in Savasana (lying on your back) for 45 mins. Silence is to be maintained during the rest phase. During this time the digestive tract is in a mode of recovery and will be recharging itself.
              • Eat a specially preparead meal (Kichadi) containing rice, mung dahl and ghee. No salt is to be added – see recipe below.  The food is to be taken straight after the rest filling up your stomach sufficiently – this will help line up and lift up the intestinal walls
              • First intake of water can happen 30 mins after food is consumed
              • Rest for another three hours however avoid sleeping as this can cause a cold, headach or lethargy.
              • Second meal is to be taken 3-6 hours after the first. You can either comsume more kitchadi or eat a simple meal avoiding any dairy products, raw fruit and veg and avoid acid foods and drinks on that day.
              • No Yoga asana is to be practiced for the next 24 hours, only mild activities on that day. Take plenty of rest
              • It is totally forbidden to drink alcohol during the 24 hours after the intestinal healing
              • For 1 to 4 weeks after the practice avoid any chemically prepared, spicy, or non-veg food. Restrict the intake of pickle, dairy products, sweets, or acidic fruits. Avoid smoking, alcohol, or any drugs for a month. 
              • The technique is to be performed 1 to 2 times a year. Best seasons are spring ans autimn.

              Kichadi Recipe


              • 1/2 cup mung dahl
              • 1 cup rice
              • Cow’s ghee butter (clarified butter)
              • 1/2 teaspoon Turmeric powder
              • 1/2 teaspoon Cumin seeds 


              • Soak the mung dahl and rice for 2 hours.
              • Wash/rinse ingredients well after soaking.
              • Boil in 6 cups of water adding the turmeric and cumin seeds over a low flame for  30 mins-1hour. When it begins to boil, turn the mixture down to simmer and turn off flame when mixture is soft and little liquid remains. No salt is to be added!
              • Serve each serving with 1 teaspoon of melted ghee butter.

                See Past Events

                About Me

                My name is Evelina and I am here to share my passion for yoga with you. I invite you to come with me on a journey back to your true self, to your loving nature and to a world of limitless potential!  

                Opening Hours

                Mon-Fri: 7:30 AM - 7 PM
                Sat & Sun: 10 AM - 3 PM


                Mill Hill, London
                United Kingdom