Past Workshops & Special Events
Where Magic Begins…
Moon Rituals
Full Moon & New Moon Events
Here are some moments from our last two Moon Rituals in 2025. United by the mystical, feminine power of the Moon, real magic was created…
Join us next time if you’d like to experience the connection to the lunar cycles, to reignite your intuition, reconnect to the divine feminine powers within and without. Surrender. Trust. Be. Exactly as you are – unique, gifted, powerful, connected. We have so much to learn from Mother Moon.
Join our circles where we find the so needed connection, comfort and nurturance in a world overpowered by masculine energy. A sacred space to relax into our feminine essence, share, heal and nurture one another.
Let us inspire more beauty and softness, connection and healing in the world by the practice of love, acceptance & appreciation.
Embracing Darkness
Winter Solstice Yoga Workshop
The Winter Solstice is a standstill point that marks the rebirth of light. A powerful time that invites us to rest in the darkness and cultivate a greater capacity to receive our inner light. In this deepest darkest winter stillness we harness the Darkness for personal growth and renewal.
This workshop is all about the old story of Darkness & Light, an immersion into the legend and myth of Goddess Kali and the Demon Raktabija, through asana, pranayama, meditation & journaling.
We braved the Darkness guided by the power of the dark Goddess we moved into unexplored places and hidden shadows within us. We honoured Kali’s power and courage, we called onto her unrelentless pursuit for wholeness, healing and Light. ✨

Summer Solstice Yoga Workshop
Saturday 22 Jun 2024 2:30 pm – 5:00 pm | Yoga Hook Finchley
A beautiful celebration of the Sun when it’s at its peak! Abundance of radiant energy, fertility, vibrancy and aliveness is what this part of the year is characterised by.
Yoga, music and dance are a perfect practices complementing each other during this time where the sun reaches its zenith. A beautiful time to harness its enery & soak up its invigorating power.
THE SUMMER SOLSTICE IS A PEAK. A CLIMAX. A COMPLETION. Uplifting, juicy, rich aliveness brought in by the fire of the Sun. On these long days of summer our spirits yearn to be out, to feel alive, to be moving, and celebrating…

Workshop Reviews
Elizabeth Davies, 3 Jul 2024
candles and delicious tropical and spring fruits.
It was lovely and specially the heartwarming singing and the
Great yoga. The group really enjoyed the time to welcome in the summer.’
Spring Equinox Heart-Warmer | Yoga Workshop & Cacao Ceremony
Saturday 23 Mar 2024 2:00 pm – 4:30 pm | Yoga Hook Finchley
Heart-warming celebration embracing the energy the Spring Equinox! As the Light grows and balance is restored, let’s come together to welcome the promise of a fertile and abundant year ahead. In the richness of this season, let’s plant seeds of love, growth, and prosperity.
The Spring Equinox marks the birth of new light, new life and new beginnings. It symbolizes the perfect balance between daylight and darkness. Like Nature, it’s our time to grow, blossom and reclaim harmony in our lives. Just as spring buds start to open I invite you to join me & unfurl the petals of your Heart.

Workshop Reviews
Isabelle Irani, 3 Apr 2024
‘I highly recommended Evelina’s workshops! I attended the Cacao workshop and it was excellent. The yoga, music, ambience and rhythmic dance were all superb and I would definitely sign up again!’
EASING INTO STILLNESS | Autumn Equinox Chakra Yoga Workshop
Saturday 23 Sep 2023 2:00 pm – 4:30 pm | Yoga Hook Finchley
Indulge in a slow & nourishing Yoga sequence. Through movement we will connect to the energy of autumn and acknowledge the changes both outside & inside ourselves. The grouding action of the Root Chakra will infuse is with stability & calm. The warm orange glow of the Sacral Chakra will guide us in finding pleaseure & comfort through movement. We’ll play with the elements of Water & Earth to set a nurturing base in order to meet the chill in the air and the dwindling daylight of fall.
We will then open the Heart space through a gratitde ceremony to honour all that we have in our lives; to acknowledge our growth and expansion over the past year.
Through the practice of gratitude we shift our consciousness from one of lack & scarcity to one of prosperity & abundance.
Finally, to complete the workshop, we’ll tap into the Throat Chakra, set intentions for the year to come and release our voices in devotional chanting.

The Autumn Equinox is a meaningful time of the year to honour the harvest. Not just the plants in our garden, but the fruits of our effots over the past year. We take time to nourish ourselves, we take pleasure in our crops.
When we clear our internal ground in the fall, we find stillness in the non-doing and prepare to rest in the cold and dark of winter. By simply being we tap into the cool feminine energy of the quieter seasons. And from within the quiet we start listening to what is trying to emerge within us.
A very powerful time to set goals and greater visions towards our higher purpose…
Yoga & Thai Massage Workshop: A Match Made in Heaven
9 Jul 2023 Sun 2:00 pm – 4:30 pm | Yoga Hook Finchley | £30.00
When practiced together, Yoga and Thai Massage can have a truly transformational effect. I invite you to join me and experience the powerful combination of these two ancient practices. During this workshop you will reap the benefits of both modalities and leave the space rejuvenated, balanced and relaxed.
The workshop will include the following:
- Yoga asana practice during which we’ll be moving, opening joints and stretching our muscles;
- Partner work exchanging massage through applied Yoga stretches & gentle kneading of the muscles;
- Relaxation & meditation.
The above practices help us let go of physical & mental tension and invite healing in us and the other to take place. Demonstration of how through positive touch we can facilitate the release of blocked energy in our partner. Following the workshop you will be able to apply the learnt techniques to help loved ones open energy channels in their body, release stiffness, reduce pain and promote relaxation. In addition, Thai Yoga massage stretches can be highly beneficial for increasing range of motion and flexibility.

Long before today’s modern interpretation of Yoga India’s Rishis (or hermits) renounced worldly life and sat in meditation and prayer in search of enlightenment. This is the very basis of Thai Yoga Massage, with its physical application of the Buddhist Metta Bhavana meditation, marked with the intention to channel Loving Kindness to the receiver.
As with Yoga, a Thai Yoga Massage focuses on clearing energetic pathways to re-balance the individual. This is achieved by skilfully palming, thumbing, pressing, stretching and massaging the ten energy line called Sen Lines or Nadis in Yoga. Regardless of semantics the foundation for both practices lies in the belief that there is a wider life force – Qi or Prana, which circulates through these invisible energy channels of the body
The Power Of The Chakras Yoga Workshop
Sun 23 Apr 2023 | 14:00 – 16:30 pm GMT | Yoga Hook 2 Lambert Road N12 9EP
A deep dive into the world of the Chakras! On this journey we will employ yoga postures, breathwork and meditation in order to gain physical, energetic and mental awareness of the seven energy centres. You will learn how to stimulate and energise each one of them in order to remove blockages that usually manifest in our physical body as diseases and affect our emotional and mental health.
During ths workshop we will find answers to the following questions:
- What aspects of our lives are governed by the seven major energy centres?
- What parts of the body are related to each chakra?
- What are the signs of unbalanced chakras?

Breathe Energise Heal: Reiki Infused Hatha Yoga Workshop
Sun 30 May 2021 on Zoom | 10:30am – 12:15pm BST | 11:30am – 1:15pm CET
A Reiki infused Yoga workshop with my dear friend and Reiki Master Fabrizio Romano

About Fabrizio
Fabrizio Romano was born in Italy in 1975. After researching various methods from different traditions, in 2005 he started practicing Buddhism. Following this he learned Reiki, which is now part of his personal practice. He is a certified Reiki Master in both lineages: Western and Japanese. He’s also a certified Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher.
Fabrizio is the director of the International School of Usui Reiki.
He brings to his classes the experience of several years of spiritual practice, as well as that of working with hundreds of students and clients from all around the world.
FB | https://www.facebook.com/isureiki
Web | https://www.isureiki.com/
Mail | info@isureiki.com

What is Reiki?
Reiki is a Japanese energy healing technique. The predominate form of reiki practiced throughout the world today, also known as Usui reiki, was created by Dr. Mikao Usui in the early 20th century. He studied in a Buddhist monastery and was trained at martial arts, swordsmanship, and the Japanese form of Chi Kung in
Sometime during his years of training in the monastery, Dr. Usui attended his own training rediscovery course in a cave on Mount Kurama. For 21 days, Dr. Usui fasted, meditated and prayed. On the morning of the twenty-first day, Dr. Usui experienced an event that would change his life forever. He saw ancient Sanskrit symbols that helped him develop the system of healing he had been struggling to invent. Usui Reiki was born.
Following the Yoga part, Fabrizio will give a very brief introduction of the system of Reiki, and then guide the participants in an exercise based on Joshin Kokyu-Ho.
This technique helps practitioners learn how to focus their minds on one thing, using the breath; it is a wonderful exercise that also helps us centre and ground.
After his spiritual awakening on Mount Kurama, Dr. Usui established a clinic for healing and teaching in Kyoto. As the practice of Usui Reiki was spreading, Dr. Usui became known for his healing practice.
Today, people who practice Reiki use the methods developed by Dr. Usui, the founder of Usui Reiki. The genius of Reiki is that practitioners can utilize Reiki to help heal themselves and for their own wellness and enhanced well-being. Modern Reiki masters can offer the Reiki energy to others through gentle static light pressure touch using the specific traditional Reiki hand positions and even over long distances like prayer is offered.
Rebirthing & Yoga Workshop
Sun 28 Mar 2021 on Zoom | 10:30am – 12:00pm GMT | 11:30am – 1:00pm CET

What is Rebirthing?
Supporters of rebirthing claim that by participating in a “rebirth” as a child or adult, you can resolve negative experiences from birth and infancy that may be preventing you from forming healthy relationships. Some even claim to have memories of their birth during rebirthing.
The technique gives you a do-over of your entrance into the world, without the trauma or instability you originally experienced. The goal is to process blocked emotions and energy, leaving you free to form trusting, healthy attachments.
The Rebirthing breathwork technique uses Continuous Connected Breath and was developed by Leonard Orr in the 1960s.
About the Workshop
Stronger immune and lymphatic systems, calmer nervous system.
Better ability to cope with stress and difficult emotions through breath awareness and regulation.
A deeper understanding and healing of unresolved emotions.
Feeling super charged in your body and clear in the mind!
and much more…

How We Met
About Renata
Tao Yoga & Love Workshop
Sun 21 Feb 2021 on Zoom | 10:30am – 12:30pm GMT | 11:30am – 1:30pm CET
The event is a two hour workshop which will fuse the wisdom of those two ancient teachings. The practice will leave you energised, more connected to your heart & vibrating with the frequencies of Love!
The Yoga part of the workshop will be led by me where I will take you through a whole body balancing sequence initiated by the power of the breath. The focus will be on opening the heart space, releasing muscle tension and stagnant energy, relinquishing control and reconnecting with our heart.
During the Healing Tao® part of the workshop my friend Marie Close will explore the connection to the heart and kidney as alchemy to find balance on a deeper level. Through some Qi Gong practices we will explore the physical body to detox and stimulate the hormones of Love, Joy and Happiness! The Tao offers an easy way to create life energy and connect to pleasure! In the final meditation we’ll focus on our vital organs to create connection within and vibrate LOVE!
We’ll complete the session with a beautiful Heart focused sound healing to help us fully integrate the gentle but powerful frequencies of Love.
Bookings are open now! We are both really excited to collaborate in this project and we look forward to seeing you!

Marie and I met in The Sunshine School of Thai Yoga Massage in Chiang Mai. We were then to reconnect on the crystal island of Koh Phangan where we spent beautiful days and nights surrounded by like-minded souls, learning, teaching, collaborating and simply enjoying the bountiful gifts of nature.
This is when Marie invited me and another friend of ours to join her for a morning Tao practice on her terrace.
I was fascinated by the simplicity and honesty of the practice and was surprised by the fact that I knew so little about my internal organs. The practice left me feeling soft but agile, the effort that I usually use in my yoga practice wasn’t present, although the breathing we used created a lot of heat in my body… That’s why I am offering the gift of Tao to my students through the gentle and graceful teaching of Marie.
Marie and I met in The Sunshine School of Thai Yoga Massage in Chiang Mai. We were then to reconnect on the crystal island of Koh Phangan where we spent beautiful days and nights surrounded by like-minded souls, learning, teaching, collaborating and simply enjoying the bountiful gifts of nature.
This is when Marie invited me and another friend of ours to join her for a morning Tao practice on her terrace.
I was fascinated by the simplicity and honesty of the practice and was surprised by the fact that I knew so little about my internal organs. The practice left me feeling soft but agile, the effort that I usually use in my yoga practice wasn’t present, although the breathing we used created a lot of heat in my body… That’s why I am offering the gift of Tao to my students through the gentle and graceful teaching of Marie.

About Marie Close
Performer, choreographer and teacher, Marie is fascinated by somatics and the power of transformation through art. For Marie, art has always been a space of reunion. She created the Company Eau-delà danse to transmit art as movement of Life.
Her studies in Tao® bring a sacred dimension to somatic transmission, stimulating intuition and creativity: in the studio, in nature and in individual sessions. In recent years, she has been teaching and creating in Brazil, California, Ibiza, Thailand and Belgium.
Website | www.marieclose.art
FB | @eaudeladanse
Insta | @eaudeladanse

About Me
My name is Evelina and I am here to share my passion for yoga with you. I invite you to come with me on a journey back to your true self, to your loving nature and to a world of limitless potential!
Opening Hours
Mon-Fri: 7:30 AM - 7 PM
Sat & Sun: 10 AM - 3 PM
Mill Hill, London
United Kingdom